Firstly, I would like to allot a moment of silence for you to process the horror that is the title to this blog. * * Okay, that seems sufficient. Boswell's London Journal was an absolutely infuriating piece of writing. I don't mean this in the sense of style or writing in general, but I hate Boswell as a character. In the beginning, Boswell states that he shall omit any behavior that seems unbecoming; is he sure? As the story progresses, Boswell does one skeevy thing after the other and doesn't seem to be bothered by his actions at all. While this would seem honest and raw as someone is admitting their faults, it is made quite clear that Boswell doesn't think of these as faults. He essentially thinks that he can do no wrong. If Boswell were around today, he would probably be one of those people that looks at a rape accusation and says "boys will be boys". In my opinion, Boswell needed a strong slap across the face. He was a terrible person from start to finish and refused to take responsibility for his actions. Go die, Boswell. Oh wait, you already did.
Hello, class! I hope that this finds you well, if it finds you at all, that is. I just wanted to take a moment to give you all a review on our time in this class. No, I will not be discussing course content, but would you honestly expect anything else? I will now proceed to detail some of my favorite moments of our time together. Firstly, remember how crazy we all got fighting over a single word in "Rockabye Baby"? And our dramatic readings were to die for. We had a short-lived panic when we realized we all had different versions of the textbook. We sat around the big table for the first time and bonded over crickets, kelp, and small dogs in Yalta. We bonded even more when a few of the nobler student *hem hem* had some very intelligent things to say about The Princess Diaries . We were all so sad when Walter left for D.C. and so excited/begrudged when he fixed the projector. We fawned over Austin's dance video. Aubrey drank probably a million iced coffees. Dr. Reed, prefe...
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