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Today was not The Day.

 Every morning when I wake up, I look at my roommate and say, "Today is The Day!" This has somewhat become a joke as I say it literally every single day. At some point in the day we see each other and almost exclusively say, "Today was not The Day." I'm not sure if I started this to intentionally become a joke or as a vie for optimism; regardless, it has become a staple in our apartment. But today I asked myself if it ever really is going to be The Day, and I'm not sure where I find myself with that.

Today most certainly was not The Day. On so many different levels, things went absolutely wrong. I truly did wake up this morning with every bit of confidence that it really was going to be today, but I suppose you can't plan for those things. To be entirely frank, I don't actually know how today could have gone any worse. I'm unbelievably drained and I still have so much to get done. I know everyone feels that way, but it isn't always easy to remember that. How do you wake up every day and hope that it might be The Day when you don't have any reason to believe it will be? You've just got to have faith, I guess.

So, today was not The Day. That much I know for sure. However, that does not mean that it won't be tomorrow. If I don't believe that The Day is out there, what am I doing here? What are any of us doing here? I don't know if this sounds corny or motivational or what. What I do know is that you've got to believe that The Day is coming for it to actually happen. Sometimes, it really is the little things that make it special, and you'll miss them if you aren't looking out. So, I'm going to keep declaring that each day is The Day even when I'm nearly certain that it isn't. Life is a matter of chance and choice, and I will become the champion of both, mark my words.

I hope that today, tomorrow, and all the days to follow are The Day for you. Good luck.


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