I have decided that William Faulkner's "A Rose for Emily" is undeniably amazing and I will not be convinced otherwise. Let's look at the plot: Emily is a "middle-aged" (yeah, okay, sure) woman who needs to pin down a man because everyone says she does so obviously that means she has to. Her dad dies, so the town is like, "You know what, Em? Taxes? Don't even worry about 'em! We got it COVERED!" Then they come back and they're like, "Hey, remember how we specifically told you that you didn't need to pay taxes? We take it back. Jk, jk... unless...." And Emily's like, "Ha, hilarious that you think I'm about to pay you because I'm definitely not gonna do that." Then this Homer guy comes around and EXPLICITLY TELLS PEOPLE that he's gay, and they all talk about how hopefully Emily can "change his mind". Now, we don't have time to unpack how wrong that is, so let's move on. Emily buys H...